The School of the Pilgrim invites people to consider our ordinary lives as an extraordinary pilgrimage, in which we are all pilgrims on an incredible journey of faith, starting right where we live, with the people who are part of our community of faith.

Our awareness and sustenance of this reality comes multiple ways. For some, it comes

The School of the Pilgrim began in 2008, though the idea of the School of the Pilgrim had been percolating for some years before that. It all began with a metaphorical image of describing the journey of faith that young people with intellectual disabilities are on in their life, in which, often times, a church, the inn, and other parts of the “public square” do not readily welcome people with disabilities.

Bedford has helped accomplish over 200 of its partners’ major conservation goals. They inspire everyone to care for the planet.
— John Smith, Nature Conservancy Magazine

What We've Achieved

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  • Donec condimentum enim sit amet felis dignissim laoreet adipiscing porta.

  • Vivamus egestas urna sed lorem sagittis, id lacinia erat porta cras.

  • Morbi eu elit in justo auctor dignissim. Sed ultrices eget neque tellus.

  • Sed fermentum eget velit at eleifend. Donec volutpat est a felis pulvinar.